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designs and manufactures
automatic machines for packaging and handling of palletized loads.

UNITECH srl designs and manufactures automatic wrapping machines and complete systems for packaging and handling of palletized loads through the use of stretch films, shrink films and net films. Since 1995, UNITECH Srl manufactures automatic machines for packaging and handling of pallets at the end of the line trying to develop solutions tailored to the customer’s needs. We carefully study all the needs presented to us by our Customers.
The constant search to arrive to the most technically correct and cost-effective solution for our Customers, plus the attention we use in the development and implementation of the order, have earned us the trust of our clients and partners, which has been the basis for the development of our company. Our commitment is to continue to develop what until now we have managed to create together with our customers, with the same attention to human relationships.

Segnalazioni di illeciti

Al fine di promuovere una cultura basata sull’etica e trasparenza, Unitech S.r.l. ha predisposto un canale informativo per riportare (anche in forma anonima) eventuali presunti illeciti, commessi nell’ambito delle attività aziendali.

Segnalazioni online tramite il seguente link: https://whistleblowing.unitechpackaging.eu



Unitech S.r.l. assicura la massima tutela, riservatezza e protezione al segnalante da indebite ritorsioni, illeciti condizionamenti, disagi e discriminazioni di qualunque tipo, per aver debitamente segnalato in conformità alla Direttiva Europea UE 2019/1937 sul Whistleblowing.

Tali canali sono dedicati esclusivamente a segnalazioni di illeciti; per i reclami rivolgersi ai canali dedicati.

Informativa Privacy




In order to promote a culture based on ethics and transparency, Unitech S.r.l. has set up an information channel to report (even anonymously) any alleged offenses committed within the scope of company activities.

Online reports via the following link: https://whistleblowing.unitechpackaging.eu



Unitech S.r.l. ensures maximum protection, confidentiality and protection to the reporter from undue retaliation, illicit influence, inconvenience and discrimination of any kind, for having duly reported in compliance with the EU European Directive 2019/1937 on Whistleblowing.

These channels are dedicated exclusively to reporting offenses; for complaints, please contact the dedicated channels.

Privacy Information



Señales de ilegales

Para promover una cultura basada en la estética y la transparencia, Unitech S.r.l. ha predisposto un canale informativo per riportare (anche in forma anonima) eventuali presunti ileciti, commessi nell'ambito delle attività aziendali.

Señales online tramite el siguiente enlace: https://whistleblowing.unitechpackaging.eu



Unitech S.r.l. garantiza la máxima protección, confidencialidad y protección al informante contra represalias indebidas, influencias ilícitas, molestias y discriminación de cualquier tipo, por haber informado debidamente en cumplimiento de la Directiva Europea UE 2019/1937 sobre Denuncia de irregularidades.

Estos canales están dedicados exclusivamente a denunciar infracciones; Para quejas, comuníquese con los canales dedicados.

Descargo de responsabilidad de privacidad



Rapports d'actes répréhensibles

Afin de promouvoir une culture basée sur l'éthique et la transparence, Unitech S.r.l. a mis en place un canal d'information pour signaler (même de manière anonyme) toute infraction présumée commise dans le cadre des activités de l'entreprise.

Rapports en ligne via le lien suivant: https://whistleblowing.unitechpackaging.eu



Unitech S.r.l. assure une protection, une confidentialité et une protection maximales au déclarant contre les représailles indues, les influences illicites, les désagréments et la discrimination de toute nature, pour avoir dûment signalé conformément à la directive européenne 2019/1937 sur la dénonciation.

Ces canaux sont exclusivement dédiés au signalement des infractions ; pour les réclamations, veuillez contacter les canaux dédiés.

Informations de confidentialité



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